
Alessandro Piano was born in 1979 in Genoa, a historic city in the north-west of Italy. Love for his city from the glorious past has translated into loving its traditions and having a deep knowledge of it. This kind of passion has intensified over the years through the search for objects from the past that help us to know better what we are today.

Games are only a small part of our past, but they have the ability to remind us of our childhood, which is one of the most beautiful periods in our lives. The advantage of collecting these games is twofold: they can bring to mind memories of our childhood and give us finally the possibility to own objects we have wanted since then. The quest for these games intensified when Alessandro’s daughter was born: the desire to show her what made her father a happy child when he was his age became an obsession. The next step in the research was to try to rework them with the intention of making them iconic and unique. This is because many games are unknown to many people, while others - like the Bricks - are immortal. To be more precise, the intention is to involve those born around the 70s in a big leap back in time, Allowing those born after to discover a new world and giving a new life to those toys that are now forgotten. The references to Fernandez Arman and Piero Gilardi are obvious, as well as the influence of Fluxus Art and the discovery of the versatility of resin. Talking about the sculpture "Alter Ego" (the first one made in April 2019) there is the intention to make a fixed number - about 100 pieces per series. Alessandro has just started the third series.