
9 Thematic Areas

Nerd Area

Nerd Area

The museum has hundreds of memorabilia related to the nerd world. From comics, cartoon objects, video games... and much more.Inside the nerd area you will see many objects: from original scripts of the most famous TV series, to the first drawings of the most beloved cartoons.

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Jail Area

Jail Area

Symbolism, stories and past told on the skin.

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Academy Area

Academy Area

The Alle Tattoo Shop boasts an academy with dozens of students, who are taught the history and art of tattooing.An area of the museum is dedicated to teaching, courses and training new tattoo artists through a program designed and structured to train them at 360 degrees.

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Music Area

Music Area

Like tattooing, music is an art.Many musicians and singers have decided to imprint on their skin experiences or images, making them iconic.Just think of Chester Bennington and the iconic flames tattooed on his wrists.

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History Area

History Area

Tattooing is an art form that dates back thousands of years.History goes back to tribal cultures that practiced this form for medical, cultural, religious or decorative purposes.Over the centuries it has undergone a great evolution both stylistically and technically.

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Sport Area

Sport Area

Tattoos are becoming increasingly popular in the sports world, thanks to athletes from various disciplines who proudly show their tattoos. From football, to boxing, from basketball to tennis.The athletes turned to tattoos as a form of self-expression, personal motivation and above all pay tribute to their respective sports.

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Style Area

Style Area

In the world of tattoos there is a wide variety of styles, each with certain characteristics that make them unique and special.

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Alle Tattoo's Area

Alle Tattoo's Area

Alessandro Bonacorsi, in art At Tattoo, in 1989 at 13 years old he met a tattooist who, seeing him so taken, took the commitment to teach him the basics of this splendid art.

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Artist Area

Artist Area

Over the years, many artists have donated their work to MAT75.

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